Aku tengah ralat ni. Tak sangka plak ku sangka hujan sampai ke petang, rupanya panas di tengahari (...eh betul ke ni?) Dalam kesibukan aku mencari2 bola golf di bibir-bibir padang (apa yg korang pikir ni hah), tiba-tiba datang seorang makhluk lalu menendang buntot ku sambil bertanya "Children children and my son, sekali batuk dua kali pengsan". Lalu aku menjawab, "My England not good it is, because I were not born in English".
Korang mesti tertanya-tanya, apakah maksud si ulau TedungS yang penuh bermakna kali ini?
Aku pun turut tertanya-tanya...
Tetapi aku berjanji, apabila segalanya berakhir akan aku LAWATkan blog-blog korang semua. Tunggu lah kedatangan si ulau TedungS yang besar dan ganas tu...


Noushy Syah said…
"My England not good it is, because I were not born in English".

yeh yeh not to worry!! My Malaysia is not good also because I were not born in Malay!"

..ngeh ngeh ngeh.

How's your assignments getting on? hehhee..
Masy said…
kompius je entry ni??
tintaHati said…
Bz ke? zass~
kawaii_desu said…
yennadey tambey...

apa2pon kami tungguuuuuu
me3n said…
hang memang tgh lalat neh, eh silap ralat hehe.
Anonymous said…
x paham arr
aku said…

hmm...takpela..aku tunggu jek..
Unknown said…
jangan lilit saya okek
Anonymous said…
hoho.. tak paham!:)

takpe. nanti explain yer..
shafarina said…
me not speak english
me not understand
zafi said…
wakaranai yo ne!!!!!!!!!
elehhh sombong..
kuIna said…
eeemmm dok tgk ulaq besaq atas pagaq
suzequatro said…
your english is very english!ekeke
ILA said…
13may said…
wahahaha....nampak mcm kacau bilau ajer...

achik said…
errr kompius!!!!
Sastri said…
bukan terbalik ke peribahasa tu? ku sangkakan panas hingga ke petang, rupanya hujan di tengahari... ingat sbb ingat satu lagu ni yg liriknya ada bait itu... :p
Ayaq said…
Ayoyoyoyoyo amma appaa yennasoleee.

Aku pening.
Noushy Syah said…
This is for you....I knew you're damn busy rite now but when you're free check it out yea..

The ‘Power of Schmooze Award’ is The Award for bloggers who “effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship”.

I pass this award to you. Check out my blog - take a look at the right hand side-side bar below, you can copy n paste ok!

All the best...daaaaaaaaa..
Anonymous said…
apdet apdet~
cepat cepat ;p
faridmw said…
salam ziarah...
napa ular tedung? napa tak ular lain?
Zackyun said…
huhu.penuh teka teki.

ape ini?
jgn jadik ular berlidah cabang!!
akirasuri said…
lama tak ke sini.

suzequatro said…
tak abis ralat lagi?
thank god im half puerto rican, so they cant condemn my bahasa melayu and my english.

thee hee hee..

lama aihh tak singgah blog ni. hows the puasa?
Anonymous said…
alo abg ted.
lamanya bertapa.
tulih aa sket.
selamat berpuasa:)
TedungS said…

tkasih semua tkasih semua salam ramadhan
kyazz said…
ayyyoooyooooo, yennnadeiii. ini taun raya ada balik kaaa tambeii..

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